
Techno Ecstasy

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 TECHNO ECSTASY 2.19.2003\par
Party drinks and sweaty basslines\par
Techno noise laced \par
With sighs and dirty dances;\par
Let's be bad for once time,\par
Breaking the rules in a public place.\par
For just one touch\par
Tantalizing scents on the dance floor\par
Pressed against hot bodies\par
Tingles and shockwaves travelling like \par
Hot flashes of lust.\par
Human nature takes it's toll.\par
Undressing ourselves with our eyes...\par
Aching hands slide against\par
Aching bodies, heartbeats\par
In the same tempo \par
As the insane music - \par
Fearfully grasping at the only chance\par
We have universes inside ourselves...\par
Slow hips and soft lips\par
Brushing skin, seductive smile\par
You send chills down my virgin spine\par
In an attempt to disarm me.\par
Most of me wants to be weaponless\par
For once, touch brings pleasant pain.\par
Hmm... Let's just say I was in a weird mood and leave it at that

Enjoy This is the closest thing you'll get to me writing erotic stuff.. so yeah...

Comments appreciated
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aenim-a's avatar
sweaty basslines

i lvoe it :+fav: